About the NLx Research Hub
The NLx Research Hub provides workforce development professionals, academic researchers, employers, and other organizations that rely on labor market information (LMI) with high-quality, transparent, real-time and historical data that represents the diversity of jobs available in the labor market.
The questions that drive this effort:
How might the right data be brought together to help state workforce agencies plan for recessions, analyze and forecast supply and demand, find skills-adjacent roles for career seekers, and investigate the future of work in America?
How might trusted, real-time data help employers more quickly locate talent in their own backyard?
How might high-quality, transparent labor market information aid local communities and policy makers in prioritizing workforce investments for the future?

Primary Source Data — How the NLx works
Jobs are collected from authentic sources—no duplicates or scams
Jobs are refreshed and provided daily to government/nonprofit sites—no dead links
Jobs are made available to job seekers. Regardless of where a job seeker discovers an NLx job opening, they will be returned to the point of origin: either the corporate careers website or the state job bank.
NASWA and DirectEmployers — Partners in this Effort
The NLx and the NLx Research Hub are operated by the National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA) and DirectEmployers. NASWA and DirectEmployers also serve as the Trustees for the NLx Research Hub Data Trust, which governs use and administration of the data and resources made available through the Research Hub.
NASWA is the national organization representing all 50 state workforce agencies, D.C. and U.S. territories, and co-founding organization of the NLx. NASWA works with state workforce agencies to encourage participation and usage of the NLx, creating a connection between states and employers.
DirectEmployers Association is a leading HR association serving as a one-stop-shop for compliance, affirmative action, and recruitment marketing to its over 900 member companies. As co-founding organization of the NLx, DirectEmployers drive innovation and technology for compliance and talent acquisition.