Looking for quick insights into labor demand? The NLx Research Hub Spotlights highlight different facets of the job opening landscape. Check back quarterly for new pieces.

Fortune 500 Job Opportunities: An Introduction

If you are trying to connect workers to good jobs, looking at jobs with financially stable companies is critical, and where better to start than with the highest revenue companies. In this first Spotlight, learn about job opportunities at Fortune 500 Companies - where they’re located, what occupations they’re for, and what industries they’re in.


More Spotlights coming soon!


What’s the Rush? Timing Fortune 500 Job Opportunities

In this Spotlight, we continue with our series on Fortune 500 job opportunities by looking at how long these openings are available, examining what it means for employers and job seekers alike, and exploring the prevalence of “evergreen job postings.” We also provide recommendations for analysts, workforce specialists, and job seekers looking to apply to these opportunities.