



More than a Database

About Us

The NLx Research Hub offers real-time and historical data from trusted partners to …

Information found within the Research Hub is accessible, comprehensive, and available to approved users from across the labor market information and data community.


The foundation of the Research Hub data is online job postings provided through the National Labor Exchange (NLx). The NLx collects and distributes millions of real jobs every day from vetted employers, USAjobs.gov, and state job banks in all U.S. states, territories and Washington, D.C.


The NLx Research Hub provides government agencies, academic and nonprofit organizations, solution developers, data scientists and researchers that rely on labor market information with high-quality, transparent, real-time and historical data that represents the diversity of jobs available in the United States labor market.

The Research Hub also offers a growing portfolio of self-service tools for workers, employers, and public-interest organizations.

NLx data powers tools, insights, and decisions across the country.

The Research Hub Team

Contact us at nlxresearchhub@naswa.org.

Amber Gaither, NLx Director

Paul Daniels, Research Hub Manager

As the Research Hub Manager, Paul oversees data governance, manages projects and funding, …

Marissa Hashizume, Research Hub Economist

As an Economist with the Research Hub, Marissa produces content for insights such as the Spotlights, provides guidance to data users, …

NASWA and DirectEmployers — Partners in this Effort

The NLx and the NLx Research Hub are operated by the National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA) and DirectEmployers. NASWA and DirectEmployers also serve as the Trustees for the NLx Research Hub Data Trust, which governs use and administration of the data and resources made available through the Research Hub.

NASWA is the national organization representing all 50 state workforce agencies, D.C. and U.S. territories, and co-founding organization of the NLx. NASWA works with state workforce agencies to encourage participation and usage of the NLx, creating a connection between states and employers.

DirectEmployers Association is a leading HR association serving as a one-stop-shop for compliance, affirmative action, and recruitment marketing to its over 900 member companies. As co-founding organization of the NLx, DirectEmployers drive innovation and technology for compliance and talent acquisition.